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Pros and Cons of Psychedelic Mushrooms

Published on
September 15, 2022
By Nature’s Reset

Psychedelic mushrooms have a long history and cultural significance. They were celebrated and used ceremoniously for hundreds of years. In the 1960s, ingesting mushrooms with psychoactive effects became illegal and most scientific research came to a halt. In recent years, the benefits of mushrooms for medical purposes have re-emerged as a possible alternative treatment for conditions such as anxiety, depression, and even cancer. We have an in-depth article “Reset Your Brain on Psychedelics” that contains exciting scientific progress on how psychoactive plants like mushrooms can influence neuronal growth in the brain.

Today, people are using mushrooms for a variety of health concerns and to get back to their cultural roots. Michael Pollen has an interesting book on this topic called “This is Your Mind on Plants” that has also been made into a Netflix documentary. In Western culture, the use of psychedelic plants like magic mushrooms has begun to re-emerge in a scientific, holistic approach. Instead of being seen strictly as a recreational drug, scientists are exploring how substances like psilocybin can be used to help with the medical problems we are facing today. People all over North America are browsing online to learn more about the benefits of this fungi.

What is the difference between microdosing and macrodosing mushrooms?

Microdosing, or micro dosing, refers to ingesting very small amounts of the product, often without hallucinogenic side effects. The slow introduction of the compound to the body means that some people can get the benefits of mushrooms without feeling high or other negative side effects. Microdosing has shown to be promising in increasing mental focus and mood. Another potential benefit is an increased level of creativity. Scientists are exploring microdosing in more detail to explore these exciting avenues of treatment.

Macrodosing, or macro dosing, refers to ingesting a large amount of the product to get that “high” or to gain more of the beneficial effects from microdosing. Everyone is different, and sometimes microdosing isn’t enough. Macrodosing is not recommended for beginners because the chance of having unwanted side effects is much higher than with microdosing. Those that want to have a “trip” on mushrooms generally macrodose because it delivers a hallucinogenic experience.

Often, people search for a mushroom dosing chart or guide. Since there are so many different varieties of mushrooms and blends, it depends on the product. For all of our products, we have a recommended dosing guide to help you.* If you have any questions, please contact us and we are more than happy to assist you.

Side effects of magic mushrooms

When we talk about magic mushrooms, we are usually talking about the active compounds within the plant, usually psilocybin and psilocin. These compounds affect both the body and mind at varying levels for individuals. Some side effects are sought-after for their unique effects while others can be negative and hard to avoid.

Common side effects of mushrooms containing psilocybin or psilocin may include:

    • False sensory information, such as seeing or hearing something that isn’t there, “feeling” a colour, smelling sounds, etc. The person’s sense of reality is distorted. This is referred to as the “trip” if the dose is too high.
    • A sense of euphoria or well-being
    • Anxiety
    • Fear or paranoia
    • Digestive issues
    • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
    • Confusion

(full list of side effects)

At this point, no conclusive evidence for long-term side effects has been reported. The intensity of side effects varies with mushroom variety, dose, and personal tolerance.

So, are shrooms safe?*

We don’t suggest you go out in the woods and eat any mushrooms you find. At Nature’s Reset, we have the correct variety of mushrooms in whole and capsule forms for medicinal treatment. Our blends are a mix of other beneficial mushrooms and some contain psilocybin (the hallucinogenic/psychedelic component). Always consult professional medical advice before trying any new supplements or compounds.

Who should try magic mushrooms?

Psychedelics and cannabis have been used to aid with health ailments such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and other forms of trauma. For more information on that, please see our blog post “Psychedelics, Cannabis, and Trauma.” Microdosing mushrooms for depression is one of the top reasons people try magic mushrooms. If you are looking to buy psychedelic mushrooms online in Canada, please consider Nature’s Reset as an option.

Some possible benefits of using psychedelic mushrooms include:

    • Decrease anxiety
    • Decrease depression
    • Improve PTSD symptoms
    • Gain alternate perspectives that may aid in problem-solving
    • An enjoyable recreational experience
    • Increased mental focus and clarity
    • May help increase open-mindedness and creativity


This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor or other licensed medical professionals. Do not delay seeking medical advice or disregard medical advice due to something you have read on this website.

Scientific Sources mentioned in this article

Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Rosenbaum, D. et al. Microdosing psychedelics: personality, mental health, and creativity differences in microdosers. Psychopharmacology 236, 731–740 (2019).

Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Christopher, A. et al. Psychedelic microdosing benefits and challenges: an empirical codebook. Harm Reduct J 16, 43 (2019).

Joel Bornemann (2020) The Viability of Microdosing Psychedelics as a Strategy to Enhance Cognition and Well-being – An Early Review, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 52:4, 300-308, DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2020.1761573

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